Outdoor Education

Well-done to the Outdoor and Environmental Studies students of 2023 who attended the Wilsons Promontory four-day camp last Term. The students would like to thank the MGC staff who made it possible; Kate Nicholls, Andrew Vance, Brendan Corney and Amelia Cash.


For Little Waterloo Bay,

There’s so much I can say.

From the ocean and the pearl white sand,

And the beautiful trees that grow on the land.

The bioluminescent algae from Mr Vance,

Lucy, Chiara and I in our matching blue pants.

The crab shells and seagulls with brave shining eyes,

Or the wrens and march flies – who we despise.

You’ve given us so much Little Waterloo Bay,

There’s so much I can’t say.

Freya Roudavski-Young

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