Middle School
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Year 7
An important focus of the Year 7 Curriculum is the transition experience for students, and in particular the developing significant relationships with peers and teachers.
To assist transition, the purpose-built Level 3 classrooms are the base for Year 7 lockers and three major subjects:
- Mathematics – consolidating the basics and extending competencies
- Social World – including English, History and Geography
- Physical World – including Science and Health
These three classes are team taught which allows teachers to work intensively with groups of students as needed. The layout of the Level 3 classrooms also allows students to work in groups which maximises social learning.
Teachers carefully monitor and allocate students to table groups to build collaborative skills and develop strong relationships.
The Year 7 Curriculum promotes creativity through the Arts & Technology courses, encourages active engagement in Sports and Physical Education and enhances their understanding of technology through the Connected World program.
Wellbeing classes provide a valuable opportunity for discussing any transition matters. The program then introduces strategies of positive psychology, growth mindset and resilience.
The Year 7 Camp, excursions, incursions, performances, competitions, events and assemblies add further opportunities for learning, leadership and celebration throughout the year.
Year 8
Year 8 is widely characterised as a time when students think more about their identity, independence and community. For some, it is a time to explore their boundaries, increase their voice and begin to understand the implications of their beliefs and values.
In response to these changes, MGC employs strategies and programs to assist the physical, emotional and values growth of Year 8 students and encourage them to take learning risks in a positive, caring and supportive environment. This is the underlying approach in programs including:
- The Curiosity and Powerful Learning Framework
- Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics (STEAM) activities
- Languages and Humanities activities
- Student Leadership
- Wellbeing Curriculum
- Poetry Workshop Week
- Friendship Day
The Year 8 Wellbeing program focuses on building independence and responsibility for learning, personal organisation and decision-making. At the same time, Year 8 students are encouraged to build their appreciation of diversity through activities which unpack themes of empathy and kindness.
In addition to a busy calendar of subject-based excursions, incursions, workshop days and assemblies, the Year 8 Camp is a feature event for celebrating the achievements of Year 8.
Year 8 students are also encouraged and challenged to explore potential interests through our extensive Co-Curricular Program. Experiences beyond the classroom can test boundaries, bring forward exciting possibilities and build new friendships.

Year 9
For many students, Year 9 coincides with an important stage of adolescence when girls continue to develop their understanding of who they are and how they fit into the world.
While they learn to reconcile the complex pressures of physical changes, social media and peer-group influence, students need to build skills and habits to navigate their relationships and studies.
Our Wellbeing Program focuses on building empathy and resilience, maintaining a positive mindset and understanding themselves as learners. As the year progresses, students are encouraged to set goals and develop study and organisational habits which will support their personal and academic progress.
The Year 9 Curriculum shifts to deeper learning in both traditional and trans-disciplinary subjects such as World of Ideas. This innovative subject combines elements of English, History and Social Sciences to build an engaging future-oriented study. Skills in collaboration, problem-solving, and confidence building underpin this program.
The Year 9 Curriculum includes:
- World of Ideas
- Mathematics
- Science
- Physical and Health Education, and;
- A choice of up to 6 elective units, primarily from the Arts and Technology.
An 8-day “City Experience” in central Melbourne is the Year 9 non-residential camp. Students investigate how the Melbourne CBD caters for different cultural groups to aid social cohesion. This research is an integral part of the core curriculum and culminates in an exhibition to staff and parents.
Year 9 students also undertake a supported transition to Senior School by exploring the Year 10 elective program and considering acceleration opportunities with a VCE study.
This is an important time for Year 9 students as they begin imagining the person they would like to become, testing the waters and establishing their own identity.
For some, that identity may be based on impressive NAPLAN results, perfect exam scores, multiple awards, and a wonderful report. For others it may be building positive quality relationships, knowing the truth of right and wrong, and having a belief in the inherent goodness of each person. At Melbourne Girls’ College we acknowledge and celebrate excellence in its many forms.